About Us
Hello! My name is Steven Carter and I want to introduce myself and my company. I founded this company in 1985 and have been sweeping since 1983. I am a Master Sweep, in the old English tradition and have swept well over 40,000 chimneys!
Our philosophy is that your chimney is part of your house. If the chimney goes, so goes the house. We take care of your chimney thus we take care of your home. We believe in honesty and ethics.
We believe in integrity and a job well done and our A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau is evidence of that. If there is something wrong or unsafe about your chimney, we can find it and fix it. After all, we are licensed chimney contractors (License # 976438) and fully certified chimney sweeps through the National Fireplace Institute which is part of the reason we have a customer base of over 30,000 from Chula Vista to Fallbrook and all the areas in between.
We are a very popular bunch in our top hats; very much in demand. We are members of the National Chimney Sweep Guild and of course also follow the advice of the National Fire Protection Association and comply with the recommendations of the Fire Department. They all advise safety inspecting your chimney once a year, checking for deposits, building faults and deterioration. And part of that inspection includes aspects of your roof, which we will also check.
The best time to have your chimney inspected is spring, summer, and early fall. We are so busy in the late fall and winter months that it can be very hard to get yourself an appointment. After your first inspection you can schedule your next inspection for the following spring or summer. Please feel free to ask our sweeps any questions you might have about your chimney and remember you can always call us if you need advice.
A Family Affair
Family is very important to me and I have always taken pride in working shoulder to shoulder with those that I love. What makes Chimney Sweeps, Inc. so successful is the uncompromising loyalty and support that I receive from my family.
Valerie (wife) Valerie takes care of all the financial aspects of our company. If you have any questions along those lines, she is always happy to hear from you. Georgia (sister) is usually the one answering the phone during the day. If you have any questions or want to set up an appointment she is always on hand to help you. Julian (son) is in charge of the office in general and makes sure that things are running smoothly and my customers are receiving speedy, effective service. I’ve trained him well, so he can usually answer any technical questions you may have. Ariel (son) you’ll probably see him from time to time on your doorstep for special installations or general inspections. He’s been working with me the longest of all my sons and is invaluable to the company’s prosperity.
We Treat You Like Family
As for those who aren’t related we still feel like they’re family and we all work together to provide you with the best service possible. As for me, well I’m usually out cleaning or repairing chimneys, but if you ever want to get a hold of me personally don’t hesitate to call. If I’m not in the office you can have whomever you speak with get a message to me and I’ll call you back as soon as I can. We look forward to a happy business relationship with you and your family.